For months my call to CEASE FIRE has been ignored. Why? Are you not waiting for The Lamb?

Perhaps a little more explanation would help?

Swords to Ploughshares is mandatory. If you're not trying to end all war through love then you're not messianic.

Christianity's enormous failure in this regards, as seen, for example, in the United States of America today, is truly apocalyptic. That's why we are here at Armageddon.

Rev 13: One monster gives power to another.
Thus evil is never defeated because a new evil is created. Here, the monster of Nazi Germany gave power to the monster of the United States' military industrial complex, which has in the decades since been the producer of the weapons killing more children than any other weapons-producer on Earth.

US president Joseph Biden must slay this monster absolutely and completely, and then resign. I don't want to have to tell anyone what repentance should look like, but for example for US President it most certainly entails resignation and for many of the US Congress people it does as well.

Now that I'm here it's time to break the curse Rev 22:3. Please realize that neither the scroll Rev 5 nor my book Rev 20:15 can break the curse, nor can my presence along with these items break the curse.

Only YOU can break the curse.

I'd like Pope Francis to contact me regarding transition of power, please, and if you'd like to make a trip across the seas and visit me at Goddard I would welcome that.

The Book

My book, part memoir of survival (miraculous survival, some of the events are written in Revelation), is a manifesto of Love.

The Scroll

The Scroll if for a Messianic Way of Love.

I don't anticipate publishing it online.

Rev 21: The Divine City and the Remaking of the World

Yes, married to a city that doesn't exist aptly describes one of my life's crises.

Rev 17:14

I very much look forward to the time when you cease your wars against me and my people!